Together we can create a healthy environment where ​our community and the world can flourish.

Questex is committed to creating sustainable, healthy spaces that make a positive impact on the communities we touch. We have joined the Net Zero Carbon Event initiative alongside our vendor partners and colleagues in the commitment to be Net Zero by 2050. To support this goal we have joined the ISLAmembership association focused on event sustainability and we will implement their TRACE tool to measure and reduce carbon emissions associated with this year's event.

During the event, here are some onsite initiatives we'll be implementing to reduce our environmental footprint:

  • Utilizing recyclable badges
  • Providing branded cups that are recyclable
  • Incorporating digital signage to minimize the use of traditional free-standing signs
  • Reusing free-standing signage that doesn't include sponsors, agenda items, or dates
  • Offering vegetarian meal options and minimizing red meat consumption wherever possible
  • Eliminated printed handout materials and replaced with digital information via the NYU Networking and Event mobile app.
  • Discourage the use of business cards by enabling exchange of details via QR code scanning using the mobile app 
  • Local labor is used where possible to avoid unnecessary travel and support the local economy 
  • All exhibitors are encouraged to use reusable stand structures rather than bespoke builds 
  • All exhibitors are encouraged to utilize the mobile app to share materials digitally to discourage use of printed materials 
  • The Marriott Marquis uses the following initiatives to reduce emissions and enhance the guest experience: LED lighting, smart thermostats, water saving cleaning products, refillable shampoo bottles, water saving shower heads, towel conservation programs, responsibly sourced ingredients, food waste reduction practices, food donation programs.
  • The Marriott Marquis uses the following initiatives in their meeting and events department to reduce emissions: linen-less meeting tables, clutter-free meeting setup, bottled water alternatives, ENERGY STAR certified audio visual equipment

Our commitment to the Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative for which we strive includes:

Achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 across all business operations
Reduce GHG emissions by 50% by 2030 in line with the Paris Agreement
Collaborate with partners, suppliers and customers to drive change across the value chain
Measure and track
Measure and track
Begin to measure and track Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions according to industry best practice
Report on progress at least every two years